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How To Breed Villagers In Minecraft

Consider a scenario in which you have already built your basic base in Minecraft but want to know more. In Minecraft, villages have inhabitants, and you can increase their numbers through breeding people. This improves trading in the game and adds some companionship to the enormous universe of Minecraft. We’re here to help if you’re unsure how to breed villagers in the game.

In this guide, we’ll go over how to breed villagers in various Minecraft editions and how to keep zombies away from them. We’ll also address some of the most often asked queries about villager behaviour and breeding in the game.

In versions 1.14 and earlier of Minecraft, how can you breed villagers?

The steps listed below will help you breed villagers in Minecraft 1.14 and earlier:


  1. Locate or create a village. A hamlet can already be defined as a few closely spaced buildings.
  2. Every structure must have an entrance door. Your villagers’ breeding structure will require a minimum of three beds.
  3. Verify the folks’ willingness to procreate. To motivate each villager engaged in breeding, you must serve them three loaves of bread, twelve carrots, or twelve potatoes.
  4. Leave two villagers alone in one of the buildings if all the conditions have been satisfied.
  5. In about 20 minutes, check the structure; a young villager should be there.

Observe new settlements carefully because they might be home to illusionists, vindicators, zombies, or pillagers.

How to Breed Villagers in Minecraft Version 1.16?

The villager breeding method has modified slightly in the new game version. In order to increase the population of your village in Minecraft 1.16, follow these steps:

  1. Locate or create a village. A hamlet can already be defined as a few closely spaced buildings.
  2. In your community, there ought to be three times as many doors as there are adults.
  3. At least three beds must have two or more empty blocks above them in the structure where your villagers will reproduce.
  4. Trade with your villagers at least once.
  5. Make sure that each villager has access to 3 loaves of bread, 12 carrots, 12 potatoes, or 12 beets in order for them to reproduce. Feed your villagers with it.
  6. Leave two peasants in a building by themselves.
  7. In about 20 minutes, check the structure; a young villager should be there.
  8. Observe new settlements carefully because they might be home to illusionists, vindicators, zombies, or pillagers.

How to Breed Villagers in Bedrock Edition of Minecraft

Breeding villagers isn’t all that different in Minecraft Bedrock compared to Minecraft 1.16. Follow these steps to do that:

  1. Locate or create a village. A hamlet can already be defined as a few closely spaced buildings.
  2. In your community, there ought to be three times as many doors as there are adults.
  3. At least three beds must have two or more empty blocks above them in the structure where your villagers will reproduce.
  4. Trade with your villagers at least once.
  5. Make sure there are 3 loaves of bread, 12 carrots, 12 potatoes, or 12 beets in the inventory for every villager if you want them to breed. Feed your villagers with these.
  6. Leave two peasants in a building by themselves. There are male and female villagers in Minecraft Bedrock, although it has no effect on reproduction.
  7. In about 20 minutes, check the structure; a young villager should be there.


Tip: If your town is already full, you must either construct more homes or relocate new inhabitants to another village where they can reproduce. Don’t worry; infant villagers develop into adults in just 20 minutes and swiftly forget where they came from.

How Can Villagers Be Bred in Survival Mode?

In Minecraft’s survival mode, breeding villagers is identical to breeding them in the game’s creative mode.

How to Make a Minecraft Village Zombie-Proof?

Your villagers may be taken by zombies if you are playing in survival mode, in which case you will need to breed more to take their place. Make sure your community is secure if you don’t want to spend time reproducing. The steps are as follows:

  1. Make sure the village has plenty of light at all times. Build torches out of sticks and coal, then install them outside and within your structures.
  2. Build a cobblestone wall or a wooden fence to surround your village. It should ideally have a gate you can lock at night, cover the entire perimeter, and cover the entire area.
  3. Make iron golems to guard your community if it has fewer than 16 residents. Large villages have automatic spawning of them.
  4. Alternately, domesticate wolves to defend the village in place of iron golems. Feed a wolf 12 bones to tame it.
  5. Make steel doors instead of wooden ones; they won’t be broken by zombies.
  6. Use wooden doors if you want, but place them one block off the ground.

Questions and Answers

To learn more about villagers and breeding in Minecraft villages, read this section.

What other animals besides Villagers can I breed?

In Minecraft, breedable animals are not limited to villagers. Additionally, you can breed domesticated pets like horses, donkeys, cows, and even bees! There are several needs for breeding different animal species. Therefore, you must feed horses a golden apple or a golden carrot in order to breed horses. After consuming wheat, cows, goats, and sheep are eager to reproduce. Pigs will consume the same kinds of carrots, potatoes, and beets that villagers will, but you only need one instead of 12.

After consuming the majority of meat types, wolves will procreate. Chickens prefer to eat seeds, and cats prefer to eat raw fish. Baby animals can also be fed specific foods to help them develop more quickly. For instance, lambs grow more quickly when fed grass, while horses develop more quickly when fed sugar.

What benefit does it have in Minecraft to breed villagers?

In Minecraft, breeding villagers has a few benefits. You can first engage in trade with them. You would want to have enough people to assure a supply of all vital items because each villager has a distinct profession.

Second, you must replace any of your villagers who pass away due to a variety of causes. Thirdly, expanding your community is enjoyable, and when it gets big enough, iron golems appear to defend the villagers.

What occupations are available to villagers in Minecraft?

The majority of the inhabitants work in professions and produce particular commodities. They can be distinguished because of their distinctive appearance. For emeralds, armourers will exchange a variety of iron, chainmail, and diamond armour. Butchers sell both meat and emeralds. Maps and banners are exchanged by cartographers for emeralds and compasses.

Pay a cleric villager a visit to obtain jewels. You can obtain tools for hunting and crafting with the aid of Fletchers. Farmers, fisherman, leatherworkers, librarians, shepherds, and other occupations are also common among villagers. Some villagers lack jobs; they appear to be a generic villager model without any additional information.

By creating a new job site, you may help people find employment. Nitwit is another category of non-trading villager. If you try to exchange, they shake their heads and wear green coats.

How Does Minecraft’s Reputation Work?

In Minecraft, each settlement has a different opinion of you. It starts at zero and goes from -30 to +30. Trading with locals and improving their professional abilities will boost your reputation. Your reputation will suffer if you attack or kill a villager or their child.

Therefore, if your village is crowded, send people away rather than killing them. Trading becomes practically impossible when the temperature falls below -15 since the locals become hostile and start attacking you with iron golems. Moreover, killing an iron golem reduces your reputation by another 10 points, so eliminating them won’t fix the issue. Additionally, the villagers spread rumours about you. Breeding villagers doesn’t boost your reputation, but you can make an adult villager become an apprentice to gain more points for reputation.

Build Up Your Village

Regardless of the game version, we hope that with the aid of our advice you will have no trouble increasing the population of your village in Minecraft. Protect the villagers in your community and provide enough working spaces for them to feel comfortable trading. Also, keep in mind that if your standing in the community is too low, the iron golems will expel you and you will no longer be able to communicate with the locals.


Do you like to trade in already-existing Minecraft villages or build your own? Post your comments in the space provided below.

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