These days, smartphones almost seldom cause us to miss our PCs. Our hands-held smart devices, which are now capable of writing emails, editing movies, and consuming material, have surpassed many other household appliances, including the trusty computer.
There are, however, times when you still yearn for your laptop or desktop. One of these is when you need to use one of those helpful shortcuts that you typically only use on computers and notebooks. We frequently end up overlooking how easy it is to hit a few buttons simultaneously and receive the results instantly. The powerful Control+F (Command+F on a Mac) keyboard shortcut is one of these things we used to (well, “used to”) miss terribly while browsing on our iPhones.
How to Control F on iPhone
The Ctrl F search command makes it easier to locate a certain term amidst what may appear to be a sea of text and image. You may quickly find the exact term you’re looking for by pressing the Ctrl and F keys simultaneously on your computer. The word you enter will be highlighted on the screen. Now, regrettably, if you are using an iPhone or an iPad, this will not function.
However, that does not exclude using your iPhone or iPad to conduct a word search in a browser window. On an iPhone, you can also perform a Ctrl F-like action. Simply adhere to these easy instructions:
How to Search Within a Page on Safari?
Go to Safari and open the webpage you want to search:
A browser called Safari comes pre-installed on your iPhone. Find it and open it, please. The webpage address must be entered in the search bar at the top of the app once it has been launched in order to open the webpage you wish to search on.
control f in safari on an iPhone
2. Type the word in the search bar
You can now type the precise word or phrase you’re looking for in the address bar after the webpage you wanted has loaded. You should type it where you typed the URL, yes. Just be mindful not to press Enter!
3. Head to “On this page:”
Several possibilities will show up underneath the word when you type it in the search box. To find the word you typed with “Find” in front of it, scroll all the way down to “On this page,” which is located below. This is the option that you should select.
4. Voila, the word is highlighted on the page:
The word you typed will be highlighted on the page, just like on a computer. The term you’re looking for will also be included in a box at the bottom of the page, along with how many times it may be located there. To navigate to the other locations on the page where the term appears, use the arrows in front of it. To discover the specific sentence you’re looking for, just tap on the appropriate arrow.
5. Search for more terms or press “Done:”
Once your search is complete, you may either type another phrase in the search box at the bottom to conduct another search, or you can simply select “Done” to return to your usual webpage.
lookup on an iPhone
How to Search Within a Page on Chrome
The most widely used browser in the world, Chrome, may still be used even if Safari is the iPhone’s default browser. You can, indeed. You can utilise the advantages of a Control+F command on Chrome even if you prefer not to use Safari. (change the default browser on iOS.)
Open the Chrome app on your iPhone:
Simply launch the Chrome app on your iPhone and enter the desired website’s address into the search field.
Tap on the three dots:
The three dots icon (…) can be found in the bottom right side of the screen after the webpage has successfully loaded in the Chrome app.
Chrome on the iPhone, control f
Select “Find in page:”
A menu of choices will appear when you tap the dots icon. The “Find in page” option can be found by scrolling down the list and choosing it.
command f on Chrome for iPhone
Type in the word or phrase:
As soon as you choose “Find in page,” a search bar will show up directly at the top of the page. The results will be highlighted on the website as soon as you enter the precise word or phrase you’re looking for.
Google on an iPhone
Use the arrows to browse:
You can utilise the upper and downward arrows in front of this search box, much like in Safari, to navigate to the desired result.
Do another search or tap on “Done:”
You can continue your search once you’ve completed by typing another phrase into the same box. Alternatively, you can end your search by clicking the “Done” button next to the search box to return to the original webpage.
The Easiest Way to Find a Word on iPhone
There is a third option, it’s true. This solution is actually the simplest in our opinion and works whether you are browsing with the Chrome app or the Safari app.
Open the webpage:
You may do this on Chrome or Safari by opening the website. Simply launch the website where you want to do a word search.
Tap on the Share icon:
You must press on the Share icon after opening the website. It is located at the bottom of your screen on the Safari app, while the address box is located in the top right corner of your screen on the Chrome app. It appears to be an arrow in both instances, pointing upward and outward from a box.
Click on “Find on/in Page”:
A new list of options (sharing sheet) will appear on your screen once you click the Share icon. The next step is to choose “Find in Page” if you’re using Chrome or “Find on Page” if you’re using Safari.
Type in the word/ phrase:
After selecting the option, a search box with a keyboard will appear on your screen. The word you’re looking for will now be highlighted on the page; all you have to do is type it.
Use the arrows:
The upward and downward arrows in this scenario will be clear to you. Until you locate the one you’re looking for, you can navigate your way through your searches.
Search more or just be Done:
You can continue your search by typing in another word or phrase, or you can choose to simply touch the “Done” button that is located next to the search box to return to your original page.