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How To Add, Manage And Delete Roles In Discord

Nowadays, online gamers choose the voice and text chat software Discord. It has a wide range of helpful chat features and is quite customisable.

The ability to assign and manage roles for users on your chat server is one of these functionalities. Learn how to add, manage, and delete roles in Discord in this article.

What do Discord roles entail?

A role is a named, clearly defined set of permissions in Discord. For instance, the default role “@everyone” grants a variety of fundamental capabilities like speaking on the server and reading messages.

A “Moderator” role might be created by the server administrator, adding the capacity to mute or ban other users. Users can also have multiple roles; for example, someone with the @everyone and moderator roles would have the @everyone role’s full set of capabilities in addition to the moderator’s powers.

Permissions for Discord

On Discord, there are 29 permissions broken down into General, Text, and Voice permissions. You must be aware of each role’s responsibilities in order to assign them properly. A list of each permission is provided below for your convenience.

general authorizations

  • All permissions available on the server are granted by the Administrator privilege. Giving this permission can be risky because it offers the user a lot of power.
  • View Audit Log — This access enables the user to view the audit logs on the server.
  • With the Manage Server access, a user is able to modify the server’s name or relocate it to a new area.
  • Manage Roles — This ability enables the user to edit existing roles as well as those that aren’t enabled for managing roles.
  • Create, edit, and delete channels on the server with the Manage Channels ability.
  • Kick Members: With this privilege, a user is able to ban players from the service.
  • Users with this access are able to ban other users from the server.
  • With this ability, a user is able to send out instant invitations to other users.
  • Change Nickname – With this permission, the user is able to modify their own nickname.
  • Manage Nicknames – This access enables the user to modify other users’ nicknames.
  • Manage Emojis – This permission enables the user to control the server’s emoji library.
  • Manage Webhooks – With this privilege, the user can add, modify, and remove webhooks.
  • This permission enables the user to read the message channels. Read Text Channels & See Voice Channels

Text Authorizations

  • Send Messages — With this permission, the user can text chat and send messages.
  • Text-to-speech messages can be sent with the Send TTS Messages permission.
  • Manage Messages: With this access, a user can mark or delete messages sent by other users.
  • Embed Links – With this ability, users can add hyperlinks to chat messages.
  • With this access, the user is able to attach files to chat conversations.
  • Read Message History — This permission enables the user to access earlier messages by scrolling back in time.
  • Mention Everyone: This permission enables users to send push alerts to other channel participants.
  • Emojis from other servers may be used by users thanks to the permission “Use External Emojis.”
  • The ability to add new reactions to a message is provided by the permission “Add Reactions.”

Voice Permissions

  • This permission enables the user to hear the voice channel.
  • Speak enables the user to communicate using the voice channel.
  • Members who have been muted can no longer speak thanks to this permission.
  • Deafen Members: This privilege enables a user to disable another user’s hearing on the channel.
  • Move Members — This access enables the user to switch other members between channels.
  • With this permission, the user is able to communicate without utilising Push-to-Talk.
  • Priority Speaker enables the user to speak loudly on the channel by turning down the volume of other user when they are speaking.

Rules for Making Roles in Discord

The secret to managing your users on a Discord server is to set up your roles correctly. Before you even start sending out invitations to the server, it’s a good idea to have the fundamental roles set. When you’re in business, you can always go back and create new roles or change the configuration of current ones.

  1. Log in to Discord and access your server.
  2. Click “Server Settings” by choosing the tiny drop-down arrow next to the server name.
  3. In the left pane, select “Roles.”
  4. Simply select Create Role.
  5. Your new role will appear under the heading “New Role.”
  6. The role should have a descriptive name and be given a colour (colors help users understand each other’s duties).
  7. Review each of the 32 permissions and turn on only those that you want connected to that role.

At the bottom, click “Save Changes.” A dialogue window will popup to prompt you to save your modifications if you forget to do so before moving on if you don’t.

To create each additional position, repeat the process.

You can establish a hierarchy based on trust by giving different roles access to varying permission levels. Newcomers can be given lower-level responsibilities, and people you know well can be given higher-level roles with additional privileges.

Role Assignment in Discord

You must assign the roles to the users in your chat after generating them for your server.

Go to Server Settings and tap on Roles to assign several members at once. Do this next:

  1. To assign a role to one of your members, click on it.
  2. Simply select Manage Members.
  3. select “Add Members.”
  4. To assign a member to a role, check the boxes next to each person on the list, then click Add.

This approach is quicker if you simply need to add one or two members:

  1. From the right-hand pane, choose the user to whom you wish to assign a role.
  2. The role can be chosen from a menu by clicking the small “+” next to the username.

Repeat for every server user.

By selecting Roles from the pop-out menu when you right-click on the user and choose Roles, you can add roles fast as well.

Keep in mind that you can give each user as many roles as you like.

Role Assignment on Discord Mobile

Road to the Discord app on your mobile phone to create a new role and assign it while you’re on the go. The instructions are comparable to those for the desktop program.

  1. Launch the Discord application and choose your server. The three vertical dots next to your Server’s name at the top should be tapped.
  2. Scroll down to “Members” after tapping “Settings.”
  3. Select the usernames you want to give an existing role to by clicking on them.
  4. To assign a member to a role, choose the checkbox next to their name.

Roles for Editing in Discord Mobile

As before, go to the server’s settings and press on “Roles,” then carry out the following actions:

  1. Select the role by tapping on it.
  2. Browse the list and make any modifications you deem necessary.

Your Discord server will stay structured and productive even while you’re on the go if you follow the procedures given above.

Rules for Role Management in Discord

In Discord, creating roles is identical to managing them. If additional roles are required, you can add them and change the permissions. You might only need to create two roles, admin and @everyone, depending on how you wish to administer your server.

Simply return to the Server Settings and choose Roles, like we did earlier, to swiftly add/remove members or change the rights. then take these actions:

  1. The role you want to alter should be clicked.
  2. To limit what users can do on your server, choose Permissions.
  3. To add or remove members, select Manage Members.

You can include more people as your community expands. The best use of your time is to place as many of your server’s policy decisions in the @everyone role as you can because roles must be introduced individually to each user.

You may have noticed that all of the roles you have established are listed in the left column on the Roles page. The colour of the highest role a user has been allocated will appear next to their username on the server. On the server, users may quickly identify the moderators, admins, etc.

Delete Roles in Discord: How to Do It

In Discord, you hardly ever needed to eliminate a role because you could just stop assigning it. However, here’s how to delete them if your account is getting clogged up with unnecessary roles.

  1. Choose “Server Settings” from the tiny drop-down arrow next to your server.
  2. The role you want to eliminate can be found under “Roles” in the left navigation pane.
  3. Click the “Delete [role name]” button after scrolling down.
  4. By clicking “Okay,” you confirm.

Questions and Answers

On Discord, there’s always something new to discover. In this part, we’ve provided additional role-related information.

Can roles in Discord be assigned automatically?

Absolutely! However, you might need a bot to do it. Running a Discord server can be a time-consuming and difficult undertaking. Fortunately, you can use bots or add more Admins to assist you. You can find a guide to automatically assigning roles in Discord here.

Despite being an admin, I am unable to control the server. What is going on?

You probably can’t make certain changes even though the server owner gave you an Admin position because not all of the rights in your role were enabled. Verify that you have permission by getting in touch with the server’s owner.

Final Reflections

Role administration is essential to maintaining an organised Discord server, especially as it expands in user base.

Keep in mind that a single server can only support a maximum of 250 distinct roles. Practically speaking, this shouldn’t be a restriction, but you shouldn’t start defining every potential set of permissions that you might ever need because you’ll fast run out of roles if you do.

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