One of the best methods of communication while you’re busy, especially when it’s impossible to compose a message, is Voicemail. Your pals will receive the message instantly if you simply record your voice and send it as a voicemail. The Play Store has a tonne of options for the best voicemail app for Android, ensuring your convenience.
The majority of voicemail apps were created to improve your communication experience. Some apps even allow you to transcribe voicemails visually and have them delivered to your mailbox so you don’t have to listen to them. Others provide other features in addition to voicemail. What apps does Play Store offer? Continue reading to get the solution!
Best Android Voicemail Apps
You may see your inbox’s emails in addition to listening to the messages using the My Visual Voicemail app.
Visual voicemail, missed call notifications, and voice SMS are all included in the free software InstaVoice.
Base Visual Voicemail was created to improve your voicemail checking experience.
You may send and receive emails using voicemail apps without having to type them. You can choose the ideal application based on your tastes from a wide variety of ones that are readily available on the market. You’re about to discover the top voicemail applications for Android-based handsets.
1. My Visual Voicemail
With My Visual Voicemail, accessing your voicemails will be a unique experience. You can browse the emails in your inbox and listen to the messages with this Android app. You may read your voicemail messages whenever and wherever you choose thanks to the app’s voicemail transcription feature. Without dialling voicemail, you may manage the inbox and reply to emails with a single click.
Since its first release, you have been able to utilise the free programme My Visual Voicemail without having to change your voicemail number. By long-pressing the empty space on your home screen and selecting My Visual Voicemail, you can easily add the widget. Voicemails are now easier to access. You won’t miss any more crucial communications if you navigate to your unread messages.
The download size for this programme, which was created by Virtual Network Apps, is only 4.50 MB. You don’t need to be concerned about your phone’s memory because My Visual Voicemail won’t put a heavy weight on it. This software has already received over 100,000 downloads.
2. InstaVoice
Visual voicemail, missed call notifications, and voice SMS are all included in the free software InstaVoice. This programme can act as your virtual assistant, taking your calls when you are unavailable. It’s accessible every day of the week, round-the-clock, to make sure you don’t miss any crucial information from your friends or clients.
You may handle missed calls and voicemails in a chat-like interface after installing InstaVoice. When your phone is turned off, it makes it easier to determine who phoned you or left a voicemail. The voicemail transcription feature allows you to read the voicemails and silently respond to them. You can maintain your privacy with InstaVoice because you won’t have to listen to each and every message.
Additionally, InstaVoice offers limitless cloud-based storage, providing plenty of room for your voicemails. There’s no need to erase voicemails just to make room on your phone. Of course, even if you switch carriers, you won’t lose the texts. The Kirusa, Inc.-developed app has a relatively tiny download size of 17.52 MB and is available on the Play Store for free download.
InstaVoice features a customer service line that can assist with problem-solving for an enjoyable user experience. Whenever you experience an issue with this app, all you need to do is call customer care for assistance. Unfortunately, InstaVoice is a feature-limited application. This might not be the best option if you’re searching for a professional voicemail software.
3. Base Visual Voicemail
You should check out this app if you’re looking for the best voicemail viewer and manager for Android. The Telenet Group’s Base Visual Voicemail was created with the intention of improving your voicemail checking experience. You must be linked to cellular networks or the internet via a Wi-Fi connection for it to function.
Base With Visual Voicemail, you may browse a list of voicemails and select any to listen to. Through this app, you can share, delete, or reply to certain messages. You can pause, stop, go back, or forward when listening to voicemails. To call or send an SMS in response to an urgent message, just click.
However, only Base Company clients are permitted to utilise this flexible app. You must use the features and be a customer to gain access. Android versions 2.3 and up are compatible with Base Visual Voicemail. Over 100,000 people have downloaded this app since it was initially released.
4. YouMail
To manage your calls, use the well regarded visual voicemail tool YouMail. But it adds additional capabilities, such as a robocall blocker and a spam call blocker, so it is more than just a voicemail app. YouMail may be the greatest programme to download if spam calls or robocalls annoy you. This software may be downloaded for nothing from the Play Store.
You may check on incoming voicemails from smartphones and other devices thanks to its visible voicemail feature. This app might be quite beneficial if you frequently use many devices. For security and privacy concerns, you can easily have the voicemails transcribed and sent to your inbox. It’s simple to convert voicemails to text messages and email formats!
The best voicemail transcription services are provided by YouMail for both text and email. You may simply check your voicemail through email even when you are not near a phone. YouMail might be the voicemail software you’re looking for if you need one for work. With the ability to host conference calls without a passcode, thanks to the conference call feature.
YouMail can also work as your personal assistant. Thanks to the voicemail greeting feature, you may answer calls even when your phone is out of reach and greet callers. Numerous postpaid plans, including Sprint voicemail, Verizon voicemail, and many others, are compatible with this software.
5. HulloMail
The Thumbtel Ltd Communication Company offers yet another top voicemail software for Android. To manage your calls, this developer provides a fantastic graphic voicemail programme. It has a variety of features, including the ability to ban obnoxious calls in addition to checking voicemails. Both Android and iPhone cellphones may use this software with ease.
You may search the voicemails in your text message inbox using this app. No need to listen to each one individually; just read the transcripts. You may choose which messages to follow up on, which promotes time efficiency. In order to delete the messages from the storage, you can, if necessary, send voicemail copies to your email.
Both HulloMail Lite and HulloMail Pro are available to you. Voicemail management, 10 voicemail transcriptions per month, copying voicemails to emails, and personalised caller greetings are just a few of the user-friendly features included in the Lite version. Additionally, it provides push notifications even if your phone is off or out of reach.
If you frequently receive a large number of voicemails, you might want to think about upgrading to HulloMail Pro or a premium service. You can store your transcription in the cloud indefinitely with this membership level, so you don’t have to erase it after reading. You can also look for a specific message using this plan. Do you have any interest in this app? Before switching to the paid subscription, you may take a 2-week trial.
6. Google Voice
Google Voice has the best voicemail apps for Android.
This voicemail software shouldn’t be overlooked if you are an avid user of all Google products. Grand Central was once known as Google Voice; after Google bought the business, Grand Central became Google Voice. Technically speaking, this app has been around considerably longer than its rivals. These days, both iPhone and Android users can download this software.
An easy-to-use, free app to enhance your experience is Google Voice. Utilizing this app is becoming much simpler if you already have a Google account. It provides you with a free phone number that you may programme into your gadget. The programme transcribes voicemails and delivers them to your email or text message inbox when you receive them. In Spanish, Google Voice offers transcribing services.
This software has a message history search option. From the storage, you may quickly conduct a search for previous calls, messages, and voicemails. Google Voice enables you to send and receive messages from any device, including your PCs, assuming that you frequently use a variety of devices. This software offers inexpensive international calls for business use.
In order to hear voicemails, Google Voice assigns you a new phone number. In fact, if your phone does not accept dual SIM cards, this could be a problem. Besides, some people find it excessive to create a brand-new phone number just to get voicemail. If you decide to change the number, you must pay $10.
You may manage voicemails with the utmost simplicity by picking the finest voicemail software for Android. You can manage phone conversations with ease and take use of additional features like spam call blocking and voicemail greetings. Which app suits you the best? Verify that it is offered in your area.